China’s One-Child Policy: Why was it revoked?

China’s One-child policy and negative effects of population One-child policy was introduced in 1980, as a response to the “Later, Longer, Fewer” soft policy, targeted at reducing the population gradually, by exhorting couples to marry later, wait longer before having children, and have fewer children.  Thus, the one child policy was established as a means […]

Lives and representations of Chinese women: What changed in the 20th century?

In 20th century China, women’s lives changed greatly.  On the surface, they were given access to a much higher degree of personal autonomy and rights, as well as a more “positive” portrayal in the media. This is a drastic departure from women’s lives in pre-20th century China, when women were socially and legally subsumed into […]

Unavoidable Showdown: The Post-1945 USA vs. Soviet Union Rivalry

Introduction to the USA Soviet Union Rivarly Before declaring anything “inevitable”, one must speak on the idea of inevitability.  “Inevitable” is in one sense ideological; to declare an event as destined to happen is as much an ideology as the ideologies of capitalism or communism in East versus West discourse.  There are some who, through theoretical international relations frameworks, […]

The Same-Sex Marriage Verdict: A Call for Social Reform

Let me begin this article by identifying myself as an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. An ally is a person who identifies as a cisgender and heterosexual individual but believes in the cause of the queer community. But this also explains that I have some particular rights, sanctioned to me just because I am a […]

Representation of the Dalit community within movies and popular culture in India

Caste Dynamics in Indian Cinema Cinema, as a cultural phenomenon, exhibits an exceptional diversity in expression and serves as a form of mass entertainment. It acts as a reflection of societal norms, structures, and values, and mirrors the culture it originates from. In the context of Indian society, where caste plays a pivotal role, its […]

The Curious Case of ‘Institutional Murders’ in Indian Higher Education System

“Know that I am happy dead than being alive.” The reiteration of these lines from Rohith Vemula’s searing letter is an attempt at unveiling the dark reality of our society and its manifestation in educational institutions. It clearly highlights how caste acts as a barrier to obtaining quality education and even the top-ranked institutions set […]

Pruning the Peripheries: The Human Cost of G20 Beautification Drive

‘Beautification work is in progress, Apologies for the inconvenience caused.’ The authorities seem to have taken this sign way too seriously during the G20 summit. In the recent months the country has witnessed an extravagant showcase of preparations in lieu of hosting the G20 summit. By taking over the presidency this year, India has hosted […]

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