O mind, do not cry, do not beat
Your chest off with rage and angst
We can bide the tumultuous tides
And leaning still rise, rise and rise
It’s darker than ever, I learn
And heavier than yestreen
The burden of misfortune
Thoughts and figures of memory
Ringing stinging, pulls the curtains
Of sanity de-forming the view
Yet there’s some light
At the end of the tunnel
Let us tread by
Assuming the like, ensemble
Mustering courage, strive
O mind, do not ache, do not cry.
It stands before me stark naked,
In giant bold resolution;
Two faces, two bodies:
A woman and a man.
One I touched and the other I dreamed
To shut myself into
Until my last breath
Lights out!
I hear his name and all that
Followed in my feverish mind;
Setting my delicate heart surreally ablaze!
From the day he wore full-sleeved grey
And gleamed walking towards me,
Along the dark alleys,
Before the Santa Claus in snowy red,
Did flung us delicious cakes and chocolates.
At the pious pre-Christmas evening in November,
“Jeez, you looked crisp and dapper neat
So irresistibly drawn, I caught
You in the loop of my bewitched iris.
Still, I blush turning back,
Lurking in the pristine pages of my secret diary;
Where your puzzled brow anxious
Hangs framed in demure corners,
Smudged in crimson pink,
Lipstick tint: ah, why we never kissed!”
His “How is everything?” froze my frame!
Stirring the slumberous chambers of femininity,
That I had deliberately dumped under in abysses deep,
Until I met his eye that curtly gleamed.
With utmost grace, endearingly, I poetized
A myriad range of amorous verses;
Day and night, pausing over then and there
To stare at the shrinking purpureal twilight sky.
I dreamed to romantically tie:
An eternal life with him,
Just as exciting as the disco lights that cut
Scintillating through my disconcerted eyes,
At one boisterous cultural night,
Where all helluva roared and howled,
Clapping their hands, stamping their foot.
I missed him galore and cursed myself underneath
For not being there when he needed me
In trivial moments to cheer him up,
At events and festivals where he showed up.
Alone, without me by his shoulder.
I desired to touch and grab and hold
And leap and fly and land
With him in his highs and lows.
Ride above his thighs
And grope my hands over his torso,
Pluck his broader brow
And slouch a little below,
Gently clinging,
Sensuously smooch,
Imprinting upon him the magical whiff;
Laced with marital promises
Diffusing the odour of my full-blossomed love.
“No pearls glowed in red!
Upset, I turned away.”
It is the Superego, the villain, who stopped me
From being true to my bestial drives,
Barricading a cornucopia of delicacies
From spilling all that
I had passionately fantasized.
So, I decided to script a happy ending,
Consummating a lover’s luxuriant wish
That roved helter-skelter wild
In my delusional head all the time.
Neither of us confessed,
For the utter fear of rejection haunted
So much unsaid, dullness and silence fell.
Then I gave up when in May, he left
Without even bidding me adieu.
Bereft our paths and thoughts cleft,
Then my friend fixed me back;
Picking up my heap of broken images,
Wiped my tears and offered me solace.
Her sweetening sorority appeased
The flames of my love-sick heat.
Then, on one fateful July night, shamelessly
I submitted to my forbidden desires,
When my love-crazed lips deeply athirst
Starved to derive, inject and splash
Across a salivary sprawl of delight.
So, to her bed in privy, I leapt and confessed
What my heart for her fervidly felt.
We kissed, cuddled and made love
In the next few months, lightning quick
Seven holy freaking nights.
We smelled of turmeric and candle wicks,
As we lit each other up and burnt
The unloved marks all over our bodies.
Midst of all, I had naturally defaced
Those traces of my former monstrous affections.
His dark masculine concrete reality,
Tall and towering physical habiliments,
Deep and hoarse voice; all considerably lost balance!
To the unknown margins, cleft
Dissolved, unaddressed.
Letters: I am still trying to pen
Setting it down, about to, no, no
Promising the setting sun tomorrow
Every day, but I could not know
From where or how do I clearly begin?
Here, longing, longing and longing
On and on, I am lost in unknown lanes
Looking for the whole
For belongingness disowned,
I broke and so did my-self.
And this February entirely
When she ghosted me and
The plot of my love ardently ploughed,
Shattering the bark and boughs,
Poisoning a fecund variety of fruits;
Eve fell out with Eve and the Earth quaked!
Witnessing the queer tragedy
Of a beautiful homo-lusty story.
The running visuals fragmented acted up
Opening my blinds, I saw
How till the other day, I had mourned
In soot-black ominous gown.
I rolled and fell to the dingy floor,
Like a discarded cheroot
Waiting to be lit and smoked,
Only to turn into ashes pulverized,
Be dead and gone to the light.
Lights on!
Yon the shadow loomed in;
A derogate tail of misery,
Whose outline lacked
Features distinctive of the present.
For it lived in a soulful past;
Devoid of pleasure, sole dole it owned.
“Woe was scribbled all over me!”
It zoomed in over to scan
The features of my betrayed face.
“Yes, ours was always meant
To be thus sketched
A vast beautiful tragedy
From the beginning to the end”
I, quoting from our last conversation
Sobbing, retired
To my melancholic bed.
O mind, do not cry, do not beat
Your chest off with rage and angst
We can bide the tumultuous tides
And leaning still rise, rise and rise
It’s darker than ever, I learn
And heavier than yestreen
The burden of misfortune
Thoughts and figures of memory
Haphazardly stir chaos
Within the dual dilemma
Yet there’s some light
At the end of the tunnel
Let us tread by
Assuming the like, ensemble
Mustering courage, strive
O mind, do not ache, do not cry.