- Frequency : Quarterly
- ISSN: 2583-7184
- Copyright : The Dialogue Box, New Delhi
- Starting year: 2022
- Subject: Human Rights & Social Science
- Language : English
- Publication format: Online
- Peer Review Policy: Double Blind Peer Review
- Access type: Open Access

Your Voice Magazine is a groundbreaking publication dedicated to amplifying academic research and critical discussions on socio-political and human rights issues. As a platform for intellectual discourse, the magazine serves as a bridge between academia and the broader public, making complex topics accessible while maintaining scholarly rigor.
Each issue of Your Voice Magazine is meticulously curated to include a diverse array of articles, essays, interviews, and reviews contributed by leading scholars, activists, and thought leaders from around the globe. The content is designed to foster informed dialogue and encourage innovative solutions to pressing global challenges such as inequality, justice, governance, and human dignity.
What sets Your Voice Magazine apart is its commitment to intersectionality and inclusivity. By showcasing voices from underrepresented communities and highlighting research that addresses the experiences of marginalized groups, the magazine ensures a comprehensive and equitable approach to socio-political and human rights discourse.
- Georgetown University Library, USA
- University of Sussex Library, UK
- Lloyd Law College, India
- KiiT School of Law, India
- The University of Manchester, UK
Mr. Shahzeb Ahmed
Pricipal Partner (The Dialogue Box) & Editor-in- Chief
Partner, Ace Law Chambers, New Delhi
Email: director@thedialoguebox.com/ shahzeb.ahmed@acelawchambers.in
Ms. Sandhya Kerketta
Managing Editor
PhD Scholar, University of Sussex, School of Media, Arts and Humanities, Arts A7, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QN.
E-mail: S.Kerketta@sussex.ac.uk
Profile link
Mr. Wayne Thomas Ramwell
Associate Editor
Senior Tutor, University of Manchester, School of Law, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M139PL.
E-mail: wayne.ramwell@manchester.ac.uk
Mr. Siddharth Mathur
Associate Editor
Partner, Lex Protector LLP
Email: siddharth@lexprotector.com
Mr. Ritabrata Roy
Managing Partner (The Dialogue Box) & Associate Editor
Doctoral Tutor, University of Sussex, Law School, Freeman Building G41, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QE.
E-mail: rr339@sussex.ac.uk
Profile link
Mr. Anubhav Agarwal
Associate Editor
Advocate, High Court of Delhi
PhD Scholar, School of Law, Dehradun, Uttaranchal University
Ms. Nabeela Siddiqui
Associate Editor
Assistant Professor, Christ University, New Delhi
Profile link
Dr. Mrinalini Banerjee
Associate Editor
Assistant Professor, Gujarat National Law University
Profile link
Mr. Sevki Karaduman
Associate Editor
Doctoral Tutor, University of Sussex, Law School, Freeman Building G41, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QE.
E-mail: M.Karaduman@sussex.ac.uk
Profile link
Mr. Rakshit Shrivastava
Managing Partner (The Dialogue Box) & Editor
Associate Counsel, Qamaruddin & Associates, New Delhi
E-mail: rakshit@qamaruddin.in
Mr. Bilal Khan
Associate Editor
Scholar, Christ University, Bengaluru
E-mail: bilal.khan@arts.christuniversity.in
Open Access policy
Your Voice Magazine is committed to advancing knowledge and promoting equitable access to scholarly research. In support of this mission, we hereby establish this Open Access Policy to ensure that the findings and outcomes of research conducted within our institution are widely and freely accessible to the global community.
Policy Statement
Scope and Applicability
- This policy applies to all faculty, researchers, and staff employed or affiliated with Your Voice Magazine whose scholarly work results in peer-reviewed research publications.
Publication Requirements
- Researchers are required to deposit the final accepted manuscript of their peer-reviewed articles in the institutional repository immediately upon publication.
- Where permissible by publisher copyright policies, researchers are encouraged to deposit the final published version of their articles in the repository.
- All deposited manuscripts and articles shall be made available under an open license, preferably Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY NC), allowing others to freely distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the original creation.
Timing of Deposits
- Deposits should be made as soon as possible after publication, ensuring maximum accessibility and impact of the research.
Compliance and Monitoring
- Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all researchers. Editorial Board of Your Voice Magazine will provide necessary support and resources to assist researchers in meeting these requirements.
- Editorial Board will periodically monitor compliance and provide reports on the effectiveness and impact of the Open Access Policy.
- Exceptions to this policy may be granted in exceptional circumstances, such as where publication in an open access journal is not feasible due to financial or other constraints. Such exceptions must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief.
Promotion and Advocacy
- The magazine will actively promote the benefits of open access publishing and support initiatives aimed at advancing open science practices.
- This policy has come into effect from 02/02/2023.
- All new research publications as of 02/02/2023 shall adhere to the provisions of this policy.
- Researchers are encouraged to retrospectively deposit previous publications in compliance with this policy.
Review and Revision
- This policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with evolving best practices and to address any emerging challenges.
- Amendments to this policy may be proposed by the Editorial Board. and shall be subject to approval by Editorial Board.
By adopting this Open Access Policy, Your Voice Magazine affirms its commitment to fostering transparency, accessibility, and the global impact of research. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and innovation for the betterment of society.
– Editorial Board, The Dialogue Box
General instructions
Your Voice Magazine is a thematic quarterly magazine on human rights and social science. Each issue of the magazine explores a particular theme within the discipline.
An entry which does not substantially address the theme will not be considered for publication.
What kinds of entries are published?
Authors can submit entries under the following categories:
Short Articles (Maximum 2500 words)
Photo essays (1000-1500 words)
Memoirs/ Stories (1000-1500 words)
Poetries (Maximum 500 words)
The entries must be original work of the contributors. Originality is examined by the reviewers on the basis of idea presented, arguments and methodology adopted.
Similarity up to 15 percent will be allowed. Any entry which is above the suggested similarity threshold will be rejected by the reviewers.
Writing style and citation format
The following writing style and citation format must be used by the contributors for submitting their entries.
Font style : Times New Roman
Font Size : 12 for the main body/ 10 for footnotes
Citation format : MLA 9th Edition through the “Work Cited” section.
Main headings should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.
Subheadings should be numbered as (1.1., 1.2, 2.1, 2.2) etc.
The author/s shall be responsible for submitting the manuscript in final copy-edited form.
Any photographs/artwork used for photo-essays or other entries should be the contributor’s original work. If any copyrighted photographs are used then the author must provide the name and the source of the original creator below the concerned photograph or artwork. Failing to do that might result in rejection of the entry.
Number of authors per entry
Maximum of two authors are allowed per entry.
Details of the author/co-author are to be provided in a separate document or body of the cover mail during submission. No such details must be mentioned in the entry manuscript. A short biography of the authors/co-authors has to be provided in the body of the submission mail. The biography should not be more than 200 words.
Insights to the peer-review process
All articles and recent developments received are evaluated by the Editors-in-Chief and thereafter as appropriate the manuscript is blind reviewed by one or more expert reviewers from within or outside the Your Voice Magazine. The review process can take up to one month, although exceptions to this time frame may occur. After receiving comments from reviewer(s), notification of acceptance, rejection or need for revision will be given to the corresponding author. Excellence is a necessary condition for publication. The final decision on publication rests with the Editorial Board. Substantive changes proposed by reviewers/Editorial Board will only be made in consultation with the author.
All book reviews will be assessed upon submission on a case by case basis, depending on the standing of the reviewer. If they are experienced scholars, a peer review by an editorial member will be undertaken. If the review is submitted by an emerging scholar, it will undergo a blind peer review.
Members of the editorial board can make manuscript submissions, both as a lead author or a contributor, only if the lead author is an expert in the area. All such submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process.
Submission Process
Manuscripts of entries must be emailed to editor.yvm@thedialoguebox.com cc to siddharth@thedialoguebox.com and bilal@thedialoguebox.com before the deadline mentioned in the respective ‘Call for Entries’ published for each edition. Any entry submitted for review should not be submitted simultaneously to other journals or periodicals. Following publication, corresponding authors will receive a PDF copy of the issue free of charge from the publisher for personal use only.
Transfer of Copyright:
By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication.
The contradictory approaches to female sexuality, pp. 3-4. –Sandhya Kerketta
Isolation, pp. 5-6. –Dheeraj Kumar
Does India need “Comprehensive Sexuality Education”? pp. 7-9. –Subhashree Pattanayak
The Transness Of Intimacies And Desires: Can You Love Me Like This Now? pp. 13-16. –Raghavi & Ragi
Fluidity, pp. 17. –Sanjana Choudhary
- My Intersectional Interstitial Identity, pp. 1 – Lavanya Sekar
2. Who am I?, pp. 2 – Ritabrata Roy
3. Attempt to Unlearn and Understand Intersectionality in “Private” and “Public” spheres, pp. 3 – Nikhila Kalla
4. Containment and control of Bahujan women’s bodies: The story of Bharatanatyam, pp. 4-5 – Avani Binish
5. Exploring the intersectional undertones of popular culture, pp. 6-7 – Mannat Ahmed Khan
6. Intersections of Religion and Gender: A case of Domestic Violence, pp. 8 – Sandhya Kerketta
7. The passenger at the window seat: A memoir, pp. 9-10 – Shikhar Khanna
Download compiled edition here.
Table of Contents:
- Editor’s Note, pp. IV – Sandhya Kerketta
- Tropical Cyclones and Climate Justice: Unveiling the Interconnectedness, pp. 1-3 – Siddharth Mathur & Sukrati Rastogi
- Fractured Homelands: Unveiling Climate Injustice and the Resilience of Queer Communities in the Face of Environmental Turmoil, pp. 4-7 – Shefali Bhatia
- Exploring The Corridors of Eco-Taxation in India, pp. 7-11 – Pratik Nayak
- Undoing Injustice in the Sundarban Delta, pp. 11-14 – Arunima Sengupta
- Tales and Tides: Climate Justice and Fishermen Community in Kerala, pp. 14-17 – Malavika P. Pillai
Table of Contents:
- Editor’s Note, pp. IV
- Echoes of Partition: The Aftermath and Enduring Impacts of the Split at the 38th Parallel, pp. 1-3 – Charutha P
- The Destroyed Self in the Partition: Destructive Plasticity in Manto’s Cold Flesh and Open It!, pp. 3-9 – Bilal Khan
- Hidden Histories, Silenced Selves: Reading Women, War, and Silence in Tahmima Anam’s The Good Muslim, pp. 10-13 – Saundarya
- Texts in Turmoil: The Role of Literature in Understanding Partition, pp. 13-16 – Anu Jakhar
- How do I anticipate? A Song of Partition, pp. 17 – Aadishri Yadav
- Manhood : Tied in the Tyranny of Masculinity, pp.1 Bholeshwar Naik
- I am Only But a Man, pp.2 Rohan Koshy
- Damn You, Father!, pp.3 Naganandhini NR
- In the Shadows, pp.4 Dhaval Talpada
- Male on Male Violence in Masculine World, pp. 5-7 Harsh
- Analysing Research Approach Towards “Domestic Violence Against Men”, pp. 8-10 Vedanth Mohit
Table of Contents:
Religious Nationalism in the Context of Pakistan, pp. 5-7 – Pranav Rao
Navigating Religious Freedom in The Present Political Context of India, pp. 8-11 – Mahesh Ganguly
- Jharkhand: Terrain of Cultural Contestation, pp. 12-14 – Gangesh Kumar Jha
When He Dived into a Utopian Realm, pp. 15 – Naganandhini N.R.
Click here to access the complete edition.
Diffusing Quandaries: Employing AI to Resolve Substance Abuse within the Indian Youth, pp. 1-3 –Amritesh Unny & Sanna Masood
AI-Powered Mediation: Enhancing Access to Justice for Marginalized Communities, pp. 4-6 – Nida Ghaffar
Whispers of Justice, pp. 7 – Ananya Diya
- Code of justice: Heart of change, pp. 8 – Ahmad Hasson
Breaking, Blurring and Redefining the Human-Humanoid Divide in Android Kunjappan Ver. 5.25, pp. 9-11 – Naganandhini N.R.
Click here to access the complete edition.
A – 51, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi, Delhi 110025, India
Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM