Partition Enquiries | Your Voice Magazine Volume 2 | Issue 3 Call for Papers

History of Partitions: The Agony and The Ecstacy With Partition Enquiries being the theme for latest edition of our Your Voice Magazine, the history and role of partitions in shaping our present deserves special attention. The tapestry of human history is woven with threads of triumphs and tribulations, where the importance of historical partitions emerges […]

Exemplary Punishments or Leading Judgements: A Better Approach to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse in Pakistan

 There has been a long-standing debate that how heinous crimes like murder, rape, sexual molestation, felonious assault, etc could be withheld and prevented to form an illusionary crime-free society. The proponents of a crime-free society keep on proposing countless precautionary as well as preventive measures on the subject in discussion. For instance, Pakistan has been […]

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