8 questions for decoding the Afghan crisis with Prof. (Dr) Gerrard Chaliand (Interview)

Interviewed by Nidhi Singh from Global Shapers New Delhi (an initiative of the World Economic Forum) Date: September 7, 2021   About the Speaker   Gérard Chaliand (born 1934) is a French expert in geopolitics who has published widely on irregular warfare and military strategy. Chaliand analyses of insurgencies in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and […]

What has become of Sri Lanka and Why?

Religious extremism in India: Hereto and the aftermathReligious extremism in India: Hereto and the aftermath-This post is written by Sanchari Bhattacharjee and edited by Bilal Khan. The author and editor are students of Christ University, Bengaluru.  Sri Lanka- The island nation known for its tourism and tea is experiencing one of the worst economic and […]

The Defeat of Choice: Reflections on the abortion laws

This post is written by Bilal Khan, a student at Christ University, Bengaluru. In today’s cosmopolitan world, it is almost impossible to not register even slight changes in other countries. But the Supreme Court of the USA’s decision was anything but unnoticeable. On 24 June 2022 Roe Vs Wade ruling was overruled. But what does […]