Censorship in OTTs: Necessary or Teens are Gonna See That Anyway?

Debate over need for censorship in OTTs has picked up the pace. Abuses and crass words are slipped off as “language of the masses”, which is not completely wrong, but where and how to draw the line? The popularity of OTT shows rides on director’s creativity which is otherwise kind of curtailed in mainstream cinema.    During […]

Uphaar Tragedy: Where are We Now After 25 Years?

Netflix India recently released a series on Uphaar Tragedy that happened 25 years ago in Delhi. It is regarded as one of the most horrific events to have taken place in our country that resulted in death of 59 people. The Netflix series brought back the wounds of that doomsday and the delay in justice which experts […]

Netflix’s ‘MIMI’ and the underlying intricacies on the framework of surrogacy in India

This post is written by Ishita Goyal, a student of Symbiosis Law School, Noida. Her research interests include gender studies, sexuality and law.  The 2021 Netflix’s movie, MIMI was a moving take on motherhood and surrogacy. It highlights the aspect of commercial surrogacy which has often been a point of debate. ‘MIMI’ is a story […]

Darlings (2022): The Cruel Case of Coercion (Movie Review)

This review is written by Bilal Khan, student of Christ University, Bengaluru. Bilal is a prolific blogger with interests on subjects such as gender, domestic violence, religion amongst others. Read other blogs by the author here. OTT platforms in India allow more filmmakers to express themselves freely regarding societal issues. This freedom comes at the price […]