Introduction “Women’s experiences of incarceration are unique and different from men’s, but they are often overlooked in discussions about criminal justice policy and reform. Women are more likely to be incarcerated for non-violent offenses, and many have histories of trauma, poverty, and substance abuse.” Women, Incarcerated” by Meda Chesney-Lind and Katherine Irwin’s audacious account on […]
Censorship in OTTs: Necessary or Teens are Gonna See That Anyway?
Debate over need for censorship in OTTs has picked up the pace. Abuses and crass words are slipped off as “language of the masses”, which is not completely wrong, but where and how to draw the line? The popularity of OTT shows rides on director’s creativity which is otherwise kind of curtailed in mainstream cinema. During […]
Uphaar Tragedy: Where are We Now After 25 Years?
Netflix India recently released a series on Uphaar Tragedy that happened 25 years ago in Delhi. It is regarded as one of the most horrific events to have taken place in our country that resulted in death of 59 people. The Netflix series brought back the wounds of that doomsday and the delay in justice which experts […]
Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, 2022: Does it violate Right to Privacy?
“Privacy is not something that I am merely entitled to, it is an absolute prerequisite.” -Marlon Brando With the evolution of technology and in the changing world, the sovereign states often face the challenge of governing and regulating the data of its people. In this era of […]
Salman Rushdie and His Controversial Pen!
“Audacity” is the first word that comes to my mind when someone says the name “Salman Rushdie”. Literature has for the longest time been a tool of free speech and banning books is the system’s way to snatch away the pen from authors. The world needs to respect its authors and stop killing them. If […]
Online Dating And Heartbreaks: Simple Reasons Why Cyber Security Can Be an Avenger in Disguise
Online dating has become an important part of our life now a days. But this virtual lifestyle has ignited several security concerns. This blog critically explores such issues from different aspects. Humans have evolved and so are the ways to mate. Dating has been a fascinating term for people of third world countries before Sitcoms […]
Wide Sargasso Sea: A Simple Book Review Through Feminist Lenses
Wide Sargasso Sea which was published in 1966 by Jean Rhys is a prequel to Charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre. She through her writing, wanted to provided voice and historical context to Bronte’s ‘Bertha’ or ‘Madwoman in the attic’. Wide Sargasso Sea has been a text of great discussion among the critics in the field of […]
India’s labor market and gender divide: Has the pandemic affected it?
Labor market in India has long suffered from the problem of glaring gender divide. In this blog the author explores whether the ongoing pandemic has widened this divide further? Let’s find out. The worst of the Covid-19 pandemic likely still lingers in our not-so distant memories. The pandemic came into our lives as a sudden […]
How will food security in India be impacted by the country’s G20 presidency?
Food security in India has always been a critical issue throughout the years. With India stepping into the Presidency of G20, will the issue be resolved? Lets find out in this blog. The economy of a country largely depends on its people, in fact, people make the economy. The human resource of a country determines […]
“Memory by Memory” Asserting Histories, Memories and Experiences to Thwart Queer Invisibilization
“You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” -Maya Angelou I always wonder why is it so important to remember history and more than often I get the same answer- “Those who cannot remember the past […]